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Lubrication systems
Single line systems
Piston distributors for OIL type DE01 and type VE10

Piston distributor for FLUID GREASE type DE02 and type VE12

Directly mounted piston distributor type DE03

OIL lubrication unit type GE01 02 03

E-pump group for OIL with or without tank type GE20 21 22 23

E-pump group for OIL with or without tank with commercial motor type GE25 26 27 28

OIL compact lubrication unit type GE71

FlUID GREASE compact lubrication unit type GE41

E-pump group for FLUID GREASE with or without tank type GE51

E-pump group for FLUID GREASE with commercial motor with or without tank type GE56

FLUID GREASE compact lubrication unit type GE75

Piston pumps , manual and pneumatic

Piston distributor for oil -indirect acting- type VE14B

OIL compact lubrication unit type AMGP with or without timer

Interproind is a Division of IK Interklimat S.p.A.
IK Interklimat S.p.A. - Company with sole shareholder under direction and coordination on behalf of Ik Finanziaria S.r.l.
VAT: IT00805680154
Ik-Interklimat S.p.A.